Apostolic School of Ministry

Apostolic School of Ministry

The Apostolic School of Ministry provides access to "Certificate Programs", Licensing Programs", "Ordination Programs", "Leadership Programs" and "Ministerial and Five-fold Commission Training Programs". Contact us today to learn more about our School and Course Schedules.

We focus on equipping Christian leaders and up-coming leaders with gospel-centered resources provided by our certificate school, the Apostolic School of Ministry, where we teach and prepare the Five-Fold Commission - the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. Our goal is to help church leaders and members of the body of Christ understand and spread God's word to inspire a positive change in the world.

Individual Courses Are Currently Offered (See Information Below) Contact For More Information

Course Curriculum

From Death to Life:

Through spiritual guidance, we will delve into the mind and heart of man and discover some of the strongholds such as character defects, unwanted behaviors, survival skills, self-defeating attitudes, harmful resentments, and destructive fears which are keeping us from reaching our full potential in God.

Christian History, How We Got the Bible, and How it Relates to the End Times:

In understanding these facts, one will be more effective in handling today and tomorrow’s move of the spirit.

The Power of Prayer:

Find out how to defeat the enemy in your life and the lives of others and receive victory through prophetic and intercessory prayer.

The Five-Fold Ministry and Spiritual Gifts:

Have you ever wondered if you are called to the five-fold ministry? This course defines the five-fold ministry gifts, the spiritual gifts and their relationship to each other.

The Prophetic Ministry:

Are you called to the prophetic ministry? Through this course, you will gain a greater knowledge of the prophetic ministry. Can all prophesy? Are you called to the Office of the Prophet? If you prophesy, does that make you a Prophet? How does one recognize a false Prophet?

The Apostolic Ministry:

Why is this ministry so important to the church age today? This course answers questions such as: What is an Apostle? Are there Apostles today? What is their function? What authority do they have? How do we recognize false Apostles? What will the Apostolic Church look like?

Spiritual Warfare:

Learn and apply spiritual warfare strategies designed to bring you into a new position of power and victory in every area of your life.


Learn how to influence others and be an effective leader in order that the bride of Christ (the Church) will not suffer and will be able to fulfill her mission to this generation. Learn leadership truths, principles, and examples drawn from the 21 Laws of Leadership.

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